At Short Term Loans, we are always dedicated to helping out those in tight financial situations. That’s why we offer payday loans for those who need cash fast. Another way we can help is by finding you deals and savings in your every day life! If you are looking to save some money, shopping on Craigslist can be a goldmine. You can find deals on all sorts of things from furniture to vehicles. You can even find a job or a home! It’s a great tool for people looking for a variety of things. However, as we have all probably either encountered or heard, there can be some shady activity on Craigslist. Scams are abundant, and sometimes what you see is not what you get. Luckily for those of us looking for an upgrade, there are several classifieds listing sites similar to Craigslist, but even better!
Oodle provides users a combination of classifieds listings and social media. It aggregates listings from other classifieds sites as well as local newspapers and websites to create a large marketplace for online shoppers. The great thing about Oodle is that it hooks up users Facebook profiles with listings to increase transparency. By using Oodle, you can see the name and face of who you are either buying or selling from, rather than just some username or email address.
Geebo calls itself “safe community classifieds”. They emphasize the importance of social responsibility in the online classifieds marketplace. Their online safety campaign raises awareness about the dangers associated with online classifieds, and the site aims to eliminate those threats. Like Craigslist, Geebo is very large and covers many different categories and geographies, but unlike Craigslist it has diligent screening process that looks out for fraud.
Recycler is the site to use to find used goods online. The site is very user-friendly and has everything from furniture to pets (yes, pets). The site is free and you can hook up social media accounts to provide transparency between buyers and sellers.
Yes, believe it or not eBay has its own classifieds section! This is probably the closest classifieds listing site to Craigslist in size and scope that is available on the internet. You can find almost anything on eBay Classifieds. The nice thing about eBay is that you can use your eBay account to navigate the site as well as PayPal.