Due to those inevitable unexpected expenses and the high cost of living in cities like Chicago, you may find yourself needing a little extra money. Although there are many ways to do this, like getting a second job or applying for a fast cash loan online, you might be in the mood to try your hand at a side hustle. If your monthly paycheck isn’t always cutting it, consider these ideas for some easy ways to make a few extra bucks this month.
Sell Things Online
This is a classic way to make some additional money. If your home is filled with things you no longer use, put that clutter to some good use. Post these items on Ebay, Craiglist, Poshmark, or other resale sites for a few extra dollars. If you run out of things to sell, or just want more income, you can even sell items for other people and take a small commission.
Rent Out Guest Rooms
We’ve all heard of AirBnB, but have you considered trying it for yourself? Renting out a room is a great way to make some extra money, no matter how big or small your apartment, condo, or house is.
Take Paid Online Surveys
There are dozens of sites out there willing to pay you to take online surveys. Most surveys pay around five dollars or less, so you can easily earn a little extra spending money just by filling out responses in your spare time. Once you sign up, you’ll be notified when a qualifying survey is available. We recommend creating an account for multiple survey sites at once to make the most of your time.
If you’ve tried a few of these money-earning options but aren’t seeing the financial results you had hoped, Short Term Loans can help. Another viable option for a little side money is to apply for a fast cash loan online. The process if quick, painless, and you’ll find yourself in a better financial position almost instantly. Contact Short Term Loans today for more information.