When you have an unexpected bill or another expense that arises, it’s important to be able to pay it off as quickly as possible to prevent late fees and interest charges. However, if you don’t have the money on hand, you may not know where to turn. In many cases, short term installment loans might be the perfect solution. These online installment loans are the perfect way to get the money you need instantly without the pressure of traditional payday loans, which are due as soon as you are next paid. At Short Term Loans, we are your source for all fast cash loans.
An Easy Approval Process
We are willing to lend money to individuals regardless of their credit history. This means you will be able to get the short-term installment loans you need quickly and easily. All we require is proof of your employment and monthly income, along with your name and bank account information. So it doesn’t matter if you have good credit, bad credit, or even no credit history at all. All we care about is you have the resources to pay the loan back on the designated schedule.
Get Your Money Fast
Short term payday installment loans help you get the money you need quickly. When you apply for a traditional loan, you will likely have to wait days or even weeks to get the approval you need. When you apply for short term installment loans with us, that wait is eliminated. We will process your online or in store request, and you will have the money in your account by the next business day. Due to the speed of our loans, you don’t have to worry about late fees or other problems because you were unable to pay these bills on time.
We Help with the Unexpected
Accidents happen, and you may find you need cash quickly with no time to wait until payday. Perhaps a major appliance in your home brakes, or you urgently need a car repair. Maybe there was an unexpected medical bill due to an accident. Unfortunately, your creditors won’t take any excuses. If you can’t pay, you will face late fees and interest charges, increasing how much you owe. It becomes a vicious cycle. A short-term installment loan may be the solution you’re looking for. We understand the unexpected happens, and don’t want you to suffer through financial problems. This is why we offer a fast, easy loan process so you can get the cash you need quickly.
If you need money quickly to pay for the unexpected, contact us. We are pleased to help individuals get the financial assistance they require.