August is already upon us, and that means college kids will be heading back to school within the next few weeks. Between textbooks, food, supplies, and of course, entertainment, it can be hard to balance finances in college. You want to save money, but still have fun, right? Here are some ways to save money in the upcoming semester:
- Buy used textbooks, or rent books: Purchasing new textbooks every semester can add up to well over $500 a year for students, depending on classes taken and their required reading. While the major university bookstore may be the popular choice for buying books, try scoping out other options for buying used books. You may also find the necessary books online for a cheaper price. Certain bookstores may also offer book rentals, making you pay far less.
- Consider a meal plan: It can be hard to get to the grocery store each week with a busy schedule, so many students find themselves eating at a restaurant or takeout regularly, which can add up. Look into available meal plans, do some research – what is included, how much it costs – and see if one would work for you.
- Set up a checking account: Many larger universities have their own credit unions that cater to students. If your school doesn’t have one, most banks have some sort of account specifically designed for people in school without the hassle of minimums and fees. Set up your account online so you can keep track of your earnings and expenses easily.
- Find free fun: You certainly don’t need to be spending all your time studying outside of class, but a lot of non-school-related activities involve spending money (bars, restaurants, shopping, movies, etc.). Look into what events are happening around campus; you may find movie showings, celebrations or other social events that you are interested in and won’t cost you anything!
- Get a job: College campuses are chock-full of part-time employment opportunities for students. Your school may even have its own job board online with postings updated daily. If you look hard enough, you are sure to find one that works with your schedule. You will appreciate the extra spending money!
Good luck to everyone going back to school!
Courtesy of How Stuff Works